Is Honey Suitable for Weight Loss?

Is Honey Suitable for Weight Loss?


The benefits of honey apply to most weight loss programs. If you are looking to lose weight honey is very helpful, you can try honey with lemon, cinnamon or ginger to know its effects. But before explaining the benefits of honey for weight loss, some concerns people often have about honey should be addressed. Honey for weight loss Honey is known to mobilize fat stores. Burning this fat to energize your daily life will gradually reduce your weight and reduce the problem of obesity.

According to a study published in the World Journal of Science, honey not only helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also does not gain weight for people who are overweight or obese. Combined with regular physical activity and a balanced diet, you can lead a more active and healthy life. In addition, honey can lower cholesterol levels compared to sugar. It can also slow down the rise in plasma glucose levels.

Honey Nutrition 

According to USDA, honey can provide water, energy, fiber, sugar, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. It may contain minerals such as iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and calcium. Honey may contain vitamins such as folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin C and vitamin B6, but with lower levels of selenium, protein, fiber and amino acids.

Honey and sugar

Honey contains sugar. However, unlike refined sugar, honey can also contain beneficial vitamins and minerals. Refined sugar, which people commonly use to sweeten foods, is considered a source of "empty calories". There is therefore no advantage in eating it.

Normally, the vitamins and minerals stored in the body are used to digest sugar. Eating pure sugar is a bit of a waste, as these nutrients are essential for breaking down fat and cholesterol. Therefore, eating too much sugar tends to lead to weight gain not only due to calories, but also due to subsequent vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Honey can balance this effect as it is an excellent source of nutrients that aid in weight loss when consumed in limited quantities.

Honey and Garlic According to a study published in Ayurveda, eating honey-soaked garlic may also promote weight loss. He suggests that garlic can be soaked in honey and cloves eaten the day before breakfast to combat obesity. 

Honey and Lemon Juice

Honey helps you lose weight when taken with lukewarm water and lemon juice (fresh juice without sugar or salt). Many people drink it early in the day to help boost weight loss. Honey contains 26 amino acids and some of the valuable vitamins and minerals listed above, many of which can help the

body's metabolism. By regulating the metabolism, food is digested, absorbed, used correctly, and fat is converted into available energy. As a result, overall health improved.

Studies have shown that a teaspoon or 10 ml of honey mixed with 5 ml of lemon and 150 ml of warm water can help you lose weight.

This blend of lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid), which can purify and enhance liver function and promote fat metabolism. In addition, lemon juice can boost the function of glutathione, an important antioxidant in the body to fight free radicals, and boost immunity. Combining the slimming power of lemon juice with the effect of boosting honey metabolism, this elixir can have exciting results when taken once daily.

Honey and Cinnamon

Another popular recipe is a combination of cinnamon, honey and hot water. Studies show that the use of cinnamon can be beneficial for weight loss.

Mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 cup (150 ml) of warm water. Mix these ingredients well and drink on an empty stomach. Cinnamon can also regulate blood sugar and glucose metabolism. Cinnamon can have a positive effect on this aspect of weight loss, as high blood sugar can increase fat accumulation in the body. Combined with the metabolic power of honey, this blend can dramatically increase your weight loss efforts. Study doesn't elaborate on how this blend helps with weight loss, but many people claim to have seen positive results from regular consumption of it. However, this needs to be investigated further. 

Diet Hibernation

With all the new diets coming out every year, it's hard to know which one will benefit your body and your weight loss efforts. One aspect of the hibernation diet that helps you lose weight is taking a tablespoon (5 grams) of honey before bed. While you sleep, honey can further stimulate liver function and reduce stress hormones in your system. As the name suggests, it can help you hibernate in a healthy and relaxing way.

Sugar substitute

Honey is a good substitute for sugar. It can be used for different drinks such as tea and lemonade. Among other foods, it can be used in candies and pancakes instead of sugar. You can add honey to oatmeal bread or peanut butter bread to increase nutrients, taste better, and reduce the risk of weight gain. An 8-week clinical study published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition found that honey had beneficial effects on body weight and blood lipids in diabetic patients. However, it increased hemoglobin A1C levels. Therefore, diabetics are advised to take this food with caution. Many people stop eating to lose weight, a potentially dangerous habit. If you don't eat enough food, which is the main source of calories, vitamins, minerals and fiber, your immune system will weaken.

Keep it in mind

Weight loss programs focus not only on reducing calories but also on providing all the nutrients in place. In addition, you need to increase your daily calorie intake with regular exercise and a healthy diet to achieve the desired results. Weight loss is a step-by-step process. Do not look for shortcuts as they can be harmful. Always consult a registered dietitian or registered dietitian for a suitable diet plan.





Credited to author Meenakshi Nagdeve

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