7 Secrets of Independent Billionaires

7 Secrets of Independent Billionaires

First, understand that you no longer want a millionaire. You want to be a millionaire. You might think that $ 44.44 million would give you financial stability, but it's not. Given the fluctuations in the world's economies, governments, and financial markets, it is no longer safe to assume that a million dollars provides real safety for you and your family. In fact, according to a survey of billionaires from Fidelity Investments last year, 42% of them aren't wealthy, but will need $7.5 million in investable assets to start off rich.

This is no know-how about saving a penny and accumulating wealth in a pinch life. This can create millions of dollars of wealth and enjoy it in the process of creation. To get started, review these 7 secrets of a few millionaires.


 1. Decide to be a millionaire 

First, you must decide to be a successful millionaire on your own. I had no money, only ideas, and with a lot of effort, I worked hard to create a net worth that would not be destroyed for the rest of my life. The first step was to make a decision and set a goal. I've been "I'm worth more than $ 100,000,000!" Every day for several years

 2. Get Rid of Poverty Thinking 

Not enough people on earth to think right, not lack of money only. To be a millionaire from the beginning, we have to finish the idea of ​​poverty. I know because I had to. I did what I could to replenish my three boys, who grew up single mothers, to school. Many of the lessons she taught created feelings of scarcity and fear, such as "Eat all your food. The hungry man" "Wastes nothing" and "Money doesn't grow in the trees." True wealth and abundance are not born from such thoughts.

 3. Treat like a duty 

Do-it-yourself millionaires are driven not only by money, but also by the need for the market to validate their contributions. I've always expected wealth, but added more to the need to contribute consistent with his potential. Millionaires do not lower their goals in difficult situations. Rather, they raise their expectations to see the differences they can with their families, businesses, communities and charities.

 4. Surround with Millionaires

I have been studying the rich since I was 10 years old. I read their story and show what they have experienced. Mentors and teachers who inspire me. I can't learn how to make money from people who don't have a lot of money. Who said "money can't make you happy"? Someone who has no money. Who said "the rich are greedy"? Someone who is not rich. The rich do not talk about that. We know what people do to create wealth and follow their example. What do they read? How do they invest? What works them How do they stay in sync and excitement?

 5. Rich people who will work like billionaires handle their time differently. 

They buy it, but the poor sell it. Because wealthy knowledge time is more valuable than money itself, they hire people for things they are unfamiliar with or not productively used in their time, such as housework. But the man who hit it loud shouldn't mock himself unless he works hard. Economically successful people are so engrossed in their quest for success that they not only work, but work to the extent that they feel superior.

 6. Rich people who shift their focus from spending to investing don't spend money. 

They invest. They know that US tax law favors investment over spending. When you buy a house, it cannot be forgiven. In contrast, the rich buy apartments that generate cash flow and are valued and amortized annually. You buy a car for comfort and style. The rich are used to make a profit, so they buy cars for deductible companies.

 7. Creating multiple sources of income Real rich people create many sources of income without depending on one source. 

My first business, over the years, has raised seven-digit numbers of imports when I started investing cash in multi-generational real estate. When the real estate and consulting businesses were disrupted, retailers entered a third business to develop software that would help improve the customer experience.

Finally, you will be amazed at the fact that the rich want you to be rich too. Why others don't get rich is a mystery to them. They know that they are not special, that wealth is available to anyone who wants to stay focused. Rich people want other people to be rich for two reasons. One is because you want to buy a product or service, the other is because you want to meet the rich. Rich It's American.

Credited to Grant Cardone
Credited image: pexels.com

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